Displaying items by tag: GameTalk

With AAA Anonymous, we discuss our latest AAA game addiction, until the next one replaces it. This episode covers Arkane's anticipated 2017 release: PREY.

“Jus’ watch me, you joyk,” New York might say. While the city doesn’t attract big name game studios yet, it has a growing and energetic indie game scene. The members of this scene are gaming devotees looking for communal support and wishing for New York to support small entrepreneurship and can-do attitudes. Programs to help start-ups exist, like NYU-Poly, Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator, and NYC Seed. However, the landscape lacks initiatives which support video game developers, specifically.

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Visualnoveler announces its next Fantasy Action JRPG game, Destiny Chronicles, an action role-playing game that follows Celeste, a young squire, as she journeys across a mysterious land filled with ancient ruins and dangerous monsters to reclaim a powerful stolen artifact and prove herself worthy of knighthood.

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Larian Studios has today unveiled details on Game Master Mode in the upcoming RPG Divinity: Original Sin 2. This mode will let fans of tabletop RPGs like Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder create their own pen and paper campaigns from top to bottom, using Divinity’s unique combat system to bring battles to life.

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The live finals will match up the best European Mount & Blade players in Bucharest on May 20 to compete for a prize pool of $10,000. The event is organized by the Lithuanian Esports Federation with the support of TaleWorlds Entertainment and hosted at the PGL Studio in Bucharest, Romania.

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The newly-developed content update will be available from May 5th via online stores, including Steam, to coincide with the release of the retail version in Central Europe. The update is free to all legal owners of the game.

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Torn Banner Studios, creators of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, have launched a refresh of the currently-running closed beta for their upcoming magic ‘n melee multiplayer combat game Mirage: Arcane Warfare. Live on Steam now, this update includes a series of gameplay tweaks and improvements implemented by the team based on feedback from current beta testers.

We all know Valve is trolling us about Half-Life 3 by now, and the common argument tells us that if they ever did release it, after all this time, it’d never live up to the hype. It’s just bad for business. But would we really want it, at this point, anyway?

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Why am I like this? Why did I let a few frame drops in Overwatch annoy me to the point of spending hundreds of dollars on new PC components that will just inevitably annoy me in the exact same way a few years from now?

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Star Conflict, the Sci-Fi MMOG by StarGem Inc and Gaijin Entertainment, now allows players to fly two legendary spacecraft of the 20th century: the Space Shuttle Endeavour and the Spiral Aerospace System. During the ‘Space Race’ event, which is part of the ‘Ancestral Heritage’ Update, players can obtain the blueprints and parts necessary to assemble the famous spacecrafts distinctive in humanity’s early endeavors to explore space.

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I was privileged to sit down with Sam and Scott. It was enthralling and informative to be let inside the OPUS world and the minds that have worked so hard in creating it. I look forward to the release of OPUS: Rocket of Whispers in the next few months. Until then, I shall be listening to some alluring musical compositions from SIGONO’s previous game, OPUS: The Day We Found Earth.

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What you are experiencing, E.A., is gamers. Gamers who had to grow up telling people they hated games, because being the ‘gamer nerd’ was social suicide. Even the ‘comic book nerds’ could point and make fun of you… because games are for kids, after all, right?

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After tinyBuild’s CEO, Alex Nichiborchik, emailed OpNoobs a second round of controversial announcements to further defame G2A, I closed his email with a sour taste in my mouth. “Cheap,” I thought. Whatever that was felt like High School drama, in this case with Mr. Mario Mirek, a Senior Account Manager at G2A who, Alex states, at the GDC “came over to the Q&A line, and started shouting that he was the guy dealing with me calling them out last year - embarrassing himself in front of a room filled with industry professionals.”

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It didn't have a reputation right away. In fact, some time would pass before its very name would suffice to derail Steam community threads. Dragon Age II was the new example in what not to do.

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Our second installment rounds out the devs we visited, and the amazing work they showed us. While Fred, Shane, and I were grabbing some captive-market-ly priced food at PAX, we overheard a group of attendees, gamers, beside us in conversation remark that the “Indie (Mega) Booth is growing” every year, it seems. Kyle (LessPvtParts) and a leather-jacket clad man – known only as Montana – echoed this sentiment over a nice, sub-zero smoke break.

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In the far future of the 41st millennium there is only war, but in the near future of April 27, 2017 there is Dawn of War 3. The beloved big, medium, and small scale strategies set in Games Workshop's setting comes back after several years of waiting. What does the third installment of Relic's franchise is going to bring us? Let's find out.

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With AAA Anonymous, we discuss our latest AAA game addiction, until the next one replaces it. This episode covers Gearbox's remake of Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition... Featuring Duke Nukem?

Traffickers of any product banned in broad daylight utilized chat rooms to connect with consumers, distribute goods, and transfer payment. Bookies ditched their telephones for email accounts and websites with automated betting. Particularly, producers and consumers of child exploitation material thrived; closet pedophiles made predators rich and swapped images anonymously to complete their explicit collections.

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I still laugh when I hear someone complain that they have to wait for a game's auto-update to finish. I am just as guilty, but I also remember when getting the patch for your game required waiting till your magazine subscription came in the mail with a disc of updates, or bringing a zip drive up to the college computer lab and hoping you could find it on the internet.

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My uncle used to call me Bumper. I have no idea why; quite possibly because of my unique ability to run into or trip over anything, at any time. This 'gift' earned me the nickname "Helen Keller" while I was in the Coast Guard. I don’t remember a lot about my uncle, and the only real memento I have from him is a card for my birthday – or Valentine’s Day, I can't recall – that he gave me when I was very young (less than 5).

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