Antsel Gladdish
A mysterious figure walks down the street reading a book in one hand, a radish in the other and listening to 8-bit music through a pair of headphones which are concealed underneath his favorite fedora hat. That is Mr. Gladdish in a nutshell. Gladdish is a novelist and slam poetry award winner who works in the genera's of fantasy, fiction, and historical fiction. He has published his first historical fiction novel, Unsolved Mysteries, and is currently working on his new fantasy series. After three years of traveling, Gladdish decided to set his career on entertaining people with his words and creative stories. He is an active gamer of RPG's, enjoying both Uncharted and Witcher series. As a person who watching Soul Eater, loves snowboarding down the Alps and enjoys a nice pot of cheese fondue in the winter, he is definitely one of the few people you meet that will always have a story to tell.
Super Rad Raygun Review
Super Rad Raygun has many things and is a great reminder of the old days, for those old enough to have had a Nintendo Gameboy during the 90’s. Slick retro style. Easy mechanics. Great references, if you're capable of picking them up, and a nice soundtrack. Expect mix ups with downloads, which would probably be fixed in a future update. Yet even with the nostalgia, it's hard to decide if I like it - or not.
Steve Jackson's Sorcery! Part 3 and 4 Review
I'd be remiss not to make the following connotation: "Dungeons & Dragons," for those of us grown old. Yes, it's a great substitute. Sorcery! gets an 9 out of 10. Well done.
Highway Blossoms Review
The beautiful artwork coupled with such a story line, not to mention the technical ease at which the camera moves instead of watching still frames, Highway Blossoms is one of the best visual novels I have had a pleasure of reading. A lot of thought went into this story and the extra attention to both the writing and the programming shows.
BattleSouls Review
Get ready for ‘BattleSouls’. From a brand new gaming studio, Pixeleap brings you a few tweaks to your favorite online titles to create another MOBA franchise.