Thursday, 02 August 2018 10:31

Graveball Rules and Regulations

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  1. Player Eligibility

    1. Account Standing: Players must possess GraveBall and forum accounts in good standing to participate. Players with in-game or forum bans on record will not be allowed to compete.

    2. Communication: Players must have access to Discord and join the following server via this URL → in order to communicate with event staff and/or resolve any disputes.

    3. Code of Conduct: Players must adhere to the following code of conduct at all times.  Players are responsible for reporting disruptive, harmful, or unsportsmanlike behavior to tournament administrators. Failure to follow the code of conduct may result in any of the penalties outlined in section 1.4

      1. Treat tournament staff and fellow players with respect. Actions and language that are insulting, threatening, abusive, or offensive are not permissible.

      2. Competitive integrity must be upheld at all times. Corrupting the competitive integrity of the tournament through Hacking, Exploiting, Collusion, registration under multiple accounts, or other method of cheating will not be tolerated and may result in severe penalties.

      3. Players must follow the instructions or decisions of tournament staff at all times. Non-compliance is not permitted.

    4. Penalties: Penalties for breaking the Code of Conduct outlined above may result in the following penalties at the discretion of tournament administrators, depending on the severity of the infraction:

      1. Automatic disqualification

      2. Forfeiture of prizes

      3. Suspension from current and future tournaments, for a period of time to be determined by tournament administrators.

      4. Permanent ban from all future E4I events.

  2. Game Requirements

    1. Updates: Players must have the latest version of the game in-order to participate in E4I events.

    2. Technical Difficulties: Players facing technical problems during the event will be given a short grace period of 3 minutes to resolve them before being automatically disqualified.

    3. Network strength: Players must satisfy the minimum hardware and networking requirements as specified by the development studio. Intermittent connectivity issues are acceptable as tolerated by the event managers.

  3. Tournament Structure

    1. Basic Structure and Scoring: The tournament is single-elimination 1v1. Each match will be best of 3, except for the finals, which will be best of 5 with the match time set to 5 minutes. Team kill goals will be enabled. Players will be notified via Discord that their game has been created, and must accept the invite in-game. The players who lose in the semi-final matches will face each other for third place.

    2. Match Reporting: Players report their matches via Discord, informing tournament admins of their score via the #score-reporting channel. Players are required to take screenshots of the results screen after each map in case a match is contested.

    3. The Finals: Players who make it into the final rounds may not drop out and offer their position to another player nor may a bench player fill in for them in case of absence. All finals rounds will be best of 5.

    4. “The Bench”: Players may volunteer to play on the bench. These players are required to be available throughout the tournament as they will have the opportunity play in matches where one or both scheduled players do not show. Players who lose are also eligible to play on the bench for another opportunity to advance in the tournament.  

    5. Matches: Players must be online in both the game and on Discord 15 minutes prior each of their matches’ start time.

    6. “No Shows”: A 3 minute grace period after the official start time is provided for all players before they automatically forfeit their round as a “No Show.” Should your opponent not show up for their match against you, a player from the bench may take their place or you will advance to the next round via your opponent’s automatic forfeit. This decision is made at the discretion of the event managers.

  4. Streamed Matches: Throughout the day certain matches will be streamed live via Players will be notified via discord if their match is to be streamed. Players must wait for all spectators to be present in their game before starting their match.

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