Thursday, 07 April 2016 00:00

Campaign Funds to Your (Steam) Wallet

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We’ve all heard about various misuses of public and campaign funds from US political figures.

Someone sending hush money to their mistress. Someone bribing an official to get law passed or to turn a blind eye. And then there are the little things: food, travel and booze. But what about video games?

Turns out that politicians are just like us gamers and that they cannot keep away from that devilishly addicting digital platform service Steam. Enter Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) who reportedly spent $1,302 on Steam for 68 games which is an alarmingly large chunk of misused change.

Hunter, a father of three, has defended violent video games in the past and has argued that regulating video games is not the answer to stopping or diminishing mass shootings at schools.

Currently the Federal Election Commission is questioning Hunter who has claimed that these expenses are all because of his son who inappropriately used his credit card.

The expenses in question run from October 13th through December 16th 2015. That would have taken place during the fall and winter Steam sales in which many games are heavily discounted. So whether it was Duncan or his son, someone went down the all too common rabbit hole that is the Steam Sale Addiction cycle. 

Although Rep. Duncan Hunter has stated that these funds will be paid back, he has yet to repay the funds. The Federal Election Commission has given Hunter until May 9th to respond.

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Christophe Parker

Christophe Blake Parker is a writer, actor, and teacher living in Oakland, CA. His first real gaming experience was with Everquest and Games Workshop tabletop games such as Warhammer and Warhammer 40k. He is thinking of starting a kickstarter campaign to fund his Steam Wishlist.