Tuesday, 26 December 2017 06:11

Session Boardslides Through Crowdfunding with Nearly 205% of its Goal

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STRAIGHT FROM THE DEVS: MONTREAL, CANADA - Dec. 22, 2017 - After a month of kickflips, campaigning and generally going buck-wild on all manner of stairs, rails and boxes, Session has successfully blown away its Kickstarter goals, raising a total of $163,716 CAD (204.6% of its initial $80,000 goal). Not only does this allow the team at crea-ture Studios to make Session bigger and better than ever as they ride into 2018, but it means they also reached their much-sought-after vert skating stretch goal!

Bringing in modern skating icon and five-time X Games medalist, Elliot Sloan, crea-ture Studios is set to give players even more ways to skate in the new year. Not only will the vert update offer up mini-ramps, mega-ramps and motion capture courtesy of Elliot himself, but the team’s been hard at work perfecting reverts for buttery-smooth line transitions.

More ways to skate, more ways for players to express themselves in the park.

Speaking of parks, to celebrate the end of Session’s crowdfunding campaign, crea-ture Studios has made a new and improved skatepark available to backers: Indoor Park v2. Originally shown off in early gameplay footage as an indoor alternative to the demo’s jail yard setting, the team has since rebuilt this park from the ground up and relocated it to a giant hanger, making for a skater’s paradise. From its raised rails, to its kinked boxes, Indoor Park v2 offers up a ton of space for players to get creative and set up all-new lines.

That’s not all skateboard fans have to look forward to in the early months of 2018, though, as the team at crea-ture Studios has a whole host of surprises and skateable content planned. Setting itself apart as the most authentic skateboarding game ever, crowdfunding was only the beginning for Session. From its first pro skater, to new parks and ways to skate, grab your deck and tighten those trucks, because Session is happening!

Session’s Kickstarter is now complete, with the game planned to launch into Early Access on PC and Xbox One in Q2 2018. For the latest updates, visit creā-ture Studios’ official website or follow them on FacebookTwitterYouTubeReddit and Instagram.

About creā-ture Studios

Here at creā-ture Studios, located in the surroundings of Montreal Canada, we try to do things differently. Not because we HAVE to, simply because making games doesn't seem to be what it used to. Formed by guys who got sucked in the AAA industry for probably too long... We strive at getting back to what videogames are to us. More than a product, a creā-tion, the achievement of an art form envisioned into something fun and interactive! Our goal is to bring high quality, detail oriented, entertaining, creative and original games to niche markets and to serve them the best we can with an inspiring mindset: creating games that will meet the needs, quality standard and requirements of the people who will play them. At the end of the day, it needs to be legit and fun.

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Straight from the Devs

AAA or indie, big or small, OPNoobs is looking for quality games made by talented people. It’s not about marketing budget or Twitch numbers, we bring you updates straight from the developers of the games you’re playing. We provide an unfiltered voice from inside the gaming industry. Anything published in OPN’s Straight From The Devs series is just that, and we hope our readers feel that this narrows the gap between them and the industry they follow so closely.
