Displaying items by tag: RPG
Mugen Souls Z is the 2013 sequel to 2012's Mugen Souls and just like the original, Mugen Souls Z was mired in controversy upon it's release.
If Tinder and the Bantam Choose Your Own Adventure book franchise got together for one passionate night of game development, the child of that union would be Reigns. A resource manager with an RPG flair, Reigns puts you on the throne of a dysfunctional medieval kingdom.
If what I played was an actual final build of DA and exactly what we’re to expect, I’d still play it. The problems I encountered were present, but by no means game breaking, just thoroughly annoying. But in the event that it is, just know that your best bet is to start with a warrior. You can hire other classes at taverns once you’re a higher level.
D.N. Age is a tough one to recommend, but for an RPG fan who is looking for a casual experience or is interested in the DNA merging feature which is the cornerstone of this title, check this one out. One may be underwhelmed by the inability to explore and the similarities between this and browser or mobile "freemium" titles, which hopefully the DNA merging will help make up for.
Dead Age is a must have for any RPG fan who has always hoped for a post-apocalyptic theme replete with realistic graphics and an awe-inspiring soundtrack.
Technomancer is utterly fantastic, even if it does have a few minor kinks that need to be worked out. It's wicked fun with satisfying combat, and it offers a clever leveling build with full customization. With a decent story and a convincing landscape, what's more to enjoy than a post-apocalyptic world where options are plenty?
Ara Fell is a 16 Bit style JRPG made by Stegosoft Games with the RPG Maker 2003 engine. Originally conceived over ten years ago, Ara Fell has gone through several iterations and a few RPG Maker engines to become what it is today. Now, for those familiar with RPG Maker 2003 and games made from it will quickly recognize a lot of the graphics, sound effects, and music used in Ara Fell. However, do not let the familiar wrapping keep you from enjoying the wonderful gift inside the box. And what a wonderful gift Ara Fell is.
Extraordinarily put together and well thought out. This beta release captivates and draws you into its world. With further tweaks, this game will quickly become a staple in both RPG and Sci Fi enthusiasts alike.
Almost perfect, but not quite there. I’m sure I’ll be spending a lot of time in Lotheric, as will many folks.
A post-apocalyptic adventure game from the publisher that brought you Primordia, Gemini Rue and Technobabylon! A young woman stricken with a deadly plague searches for a cure in a hostile world.
If you want a good time killer with a heavy grinding aspect, Royal Heroes is perfect for you. It's fun growing an army from just a small band of troops to a huge, sizeable force. But it’s going to take some time to pull that off.
Destroy your enemies in this competitive medieval arena brawler! Choose between 4 classes each with custom loadouts, 9 levels, 5 game modes, and earn your place on the leader-board with an icon and title based on your skill level. Choose a class and join the ranks today!
Starpoint Gemini: Titans is an addition to the existing stories where players will be able to pick up where they stopped and simply continue on playing. Titans will give you a small taste of what Starpoint Gemini: Warlords, our next big project, is trying to achieve.