Tuesday, 15 March 2016 00:00

Song of Horror Interview

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Song of Horror Interview with Carlos GF Grupeli and Ignacio F Herrero

Song of Horror is an old school inspired, third person survival horror, evocative of the eternal fear of what cannot be understood. Take control of up to 16 characters who have been dragged, throughout time, into a story for which they are not prepared.

The Beginning

Upon your arrival at Husher’s mansion, you realize something’s wrong. The lights, still turned off at the onset of nightfall, reveal that no one is home. The dog, warned about at the entrance, is nowhere to be found. The main door, left ajar, hints at a hallway drowned in shadows.

And an eerie, haunting melody, pierces a thundering silence.

Although Song of Horror is a game fundamentally based on its narrative, introducing both different and interesting mechanics has always been a concern for the development team, one that has been assigned as much effort and dedication as the rest of the game.

Support these Devs! Visit the Official Website

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Fred Brizzi

Fred is our loyal but certainly most undeserving Founder, President, & CEO (he’s just a big jerk). He started gaming with Alex Kidd on the Sega Master System and was brought by ID Software to the PC back in 1993, that glorious day DOOM hit the shelves. He lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife and handsome boys, playing international relations by day but games by night. His aspirations, you ask? To leave the elephants and the donkeys at their zoo, strap himself down for the magic carpet ride, and ride the bustling escapade that is PC gaming 100% of the time. In fact, when he's not working for OpNoobs, he's apologizing to his wife for OpNoobs. Fred also coined the expression “Consoles? Glorified Netflix players.” He really wanted us to put that in too. He’s like very proud of that.
