Tsepiso Monkhe
Born and raised in South Africa, Tsepiso moved to America 6 years ago and got acquainted with computers games in 2010, after being a PlayStation console aviator for years. He became a U.S. citizen last year, making him a dual citizen, and spent quite a bit of time in London. Tsepiso started gaming on the PlayStation 1, Grand Turismo being his favorite pick. Afterwards, he crossed the gaming console world and jumped into the world of PC. That’s when he realized he’s an enthusiast of almost every game genre.
Among the Innocent: A Stricken Tale Review
A beautiful, mysterious adventure and an artistic take on the rural scenery of South Africa, Among the Innocent: A Stricken Tale is a thriller for lovers of the point-and-click genre. Its good story and the great twist that ends it, coupled with immersive visual design, soundtrack, and sound effects, make its lack of a challenge its only weakness, but not one damaging enough to take away from the overall experience.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf Early Access Review
Warhammer 40k: Space Wolf suits up and provides ample hours of entertainment while bringing out new concepts for tactical games. With respectable environment detail, incredible character design, and an almost limitless array of card selection, Space Hammer is a delight to both those who enjoy the genre and even those that have never picked up a tactical game before.