Friday, 24 January 2020 15:21

Interrogation: You will be deceived Review

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A Classic Style

Even though it’s set in the present day, Interrogation: You Will be Deceived really does have that detective vibe of the classic noir, but just not as pleasurable. In the game, you’re Mordecai, the lead investigator into The Liberation Front, a terrorist group that is targeting the city. You have a few choices on interrogation methods, but overall, the game moves on whether you get the guy or not.

The game gives you a brief run-through of how to interrogate suspects and get the information you need, including showing you how their pupils dilate and how fast their heart rate is running. It teaches you how to read a report, then how you can “rough up” a suspect, but later might get into trouble for that. Then it allows you a choice: Do you want to play “Interrogation Mode” where you will be deceived and must figure out the plot for yourself, or, would you rather play “Narrative Experience,” which is sort of like a choose your own adventure. Challenges are minimized, allowing you to concentrate on the story and not just passing each interrogation. What the tutorial doesn’t explain is that once you’re finished with interrogation and have the correct suspect, you have to fill out a report. One that actually matters because if you say the wrong thing it can cause some harsh results.


While it may seem fun at first, interviewing different subjects, with different choice phrases, Interrogation quickly becomes a game that repeats itself over and over again. Yes, there are timed “missions,” but they’re also quite obvious and can be cracked in a matter of minutes. The addition of multiple subjects does nothing to add to the mystery of the game. By reading the reports of each subject, you can get a pretty good feel for how this interrogation is going to end, and who your main suspect should be. To be honest, the first mission is a little insulting to those of us with brains. I obviously knew what the outcome was, what I didn’t know was what it would lead to.

That brings us to the overlaying storyline that was quite enjoyable, but that’s where my enjoyment ended. Once I figured out the plot (way too early in the game), I was discontent to play anymore and just wanted to be finished with the thing. I guess some will call it a fun-filled ride with twists and turns, but it felt like this roller-coaster was just going up and was never going to finish its climb to the top.

I did a quick finish of the game from Interrogation Mode to Narrative Experience to see what changes there are, and the biggest difference is that now you can get hints as to what you should be asking. The hints do help you complete the game in a much more interesting way (you never have to really get into trouble for roughing up a suspect), in the end, it’s still the same game.


The Verdict: Flawed

While enjoyable at parts, the brief story ultimately failed to excite, leaving it with minimal replay value. So if you’re into dark, detective, drama-filled, noir stories, please play Interrogation You Will be Deceived, but if you’re more into a longer storyline with a better plot, just stay away.

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SARAHDARLING (otherwise known as Sarah) has been writing since she was five. She won an award for a short story in kindergarten and has been hooked ever since. In her free time not only does she game but she reads a lot. She also writes (mostly fanfic). Sarah is a mother, a pet lover, and adores the whole Marvel-verse (including comics). In short, Sarah is a nerd, and she’s okay with that.
