Sunday, 17 July 2016 00:00

C9 Receiving Major Content Patch

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Continent of the Ninth Seal, abbreviated C9, has announced a new expansion with a raised level cap and new zones.

The action MORPG is planning on releasing its newest major content patch before the end of the July. The new patch will include new books for every class to modify skills, a higher level cap, a new tier of equipment, and two new dungeons.

To top it off, new systems will be added, including a daily mission system and at least one mini game. C9 is Free to Play, with a fairly large dungeon-based world, and a third-person perspective.

Swarms of demonic forces led by gigantic monsters? Sold.

C9 is a moderately successful game with 5 classes, 23 subclasses, and a focus on action with FPS inspired controls. The developer, Webzen, has created a collection of other games and has over 60 million players internationally.

For more information, visit the official website here.

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