Thursday, 11 May 2017 00:00

Expeditions: Viking Interview

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About the Game - Straight from the Devs

Get ready for an adventure in history! Logic Artists, the makers of Expeditions: Conquistador, are pleased to bring you Expeditions: Viking.

Prepare for a grand adventure

As the newly appointed chieftain of a modest Viking clan, you’ll have a village of your very own. But to carve your name into the runestones of history you’ll need great strength, and great wealth to grow your village’s prosperity and renown. There is little left to be gained from the Norse lands and so you must set your sights on the the seas to the West, where tales speak of a great island filled with treasure ready for the taking.

Seek your fortune

Your trusted huscarls will follow you to Valhalla if that be the order of the day, but you’ll need more than loyalty to leave a legacy that will be remembered for a thousand years. Now assemble a worthy band of warriors, build a ship, and seek your wealth and glory across the sea. Britannia awaits in Logic Artists’ Expeditions: Viking.

Main features

Create your very own Viking chieftain! Carve out your character from our unique character system, where stats, skills, and abilities define your character’s role.

Raiding or Trading? Vikings were known not only as violent warriors, but savvy tradesfolk. How will you find wealth, with the carrot or the stick?

War and Politics: Side with various factions be they Norsemen, Picts, or Angles.

Reputation: Be mindful of your choices, the stories of your actions may bring others to fear you, but will they trust you?

Step into the pages of history: In a beautiful and visceral telling of the Nordic history.

Support Logic Artists! Get Expeditions: Viking on Steam!

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Shane Gamez

Shane is a totally, insanely beautiful and really, really, really ridiculously good-looking gamer who is totally outrageous and, before you ask: Yes! His real last name is “Gamez.” Shane was born to game, learning to read, in fact, from Zelda II; not to mention that Shane's a Nintendo defender hand-picked by Reggie (Yea, they were best buds on a first name basis - no big deal). On top of all that, Gamez is a retired professional EVO player. Games, anime, cartoons, ninjas, snow, TMNT - Shane is about anything cute!! (Shane: And, metal ninjas are the only reason to live. One day I hope to be a member of the PowerPuff Girls!!)
